Tomorrow we go to ACH to the opthomologist for Kohens eye check up. It has been a year since he has been there. For those of you who dont know, preemies have a really high risk of having eye problems due to the large amounts of oxygen they receive when they are in the hospital. The oxygen stimulates the vessels in their eyes to grow at an alarming speed, thus causing high percentages of eye problems down the road. It is called ROP, retinopathy of prematurity. When Kohen was in the NICU they checked his eyes every two weeks. Only once out of all those times did the dr see anything concerning. Even after we came home, we still went to ACH every two weeks for a while. Then it went to every three months, then six. This is the first yearly checkup. He will have go until he is 5 or able to read, whichever comes first. I'm thinking 5!! Wish us luck!