Friday, October 31, 2008

Not So Great Reports..

I'm trying to play catch up on Kohen's doctors visits, so here goes.... We went for an orthopedic consult regarding Kohens tibial torsion, which means his feet turn inward, BAD! This doesn't seem to slow him down because he is walking everywhere. Almost running!! Anyway, he punched holes in the back of Kohen's shoes and told us to tie his heels together when he sleeps. This worked for 2 nights. No matter how tight we tied his shoes he could still get them off!!! What can I say...He is strong! Brandon suggested we gray tape his feet together!! That did not happen!!!

Next..we went for another swallow study. Failed miserably again!!!! Oh well, back to the simply thick. In a nutshell...Kohen cannot swallow thin liquids so we have to thicken them to honey consistency. When he does swallow thin liquids they go to his lungs instead of his stomach. It is called silent aspiration. He never coughs or chokes. This puts him at high risk of pneumonia. He doesn't seem to mind the Simply Thick too much. We will go back in 6 months!!


The Haynes said...

Laura, I hate to hear that Kohen is having to go through so much. We will keep him in our prayers.

amber leann said...

We will keep him in our prayers as well. He is one thing though, HANDSOME as can be!