Monday, June 16, 2008


Thought I would give everyone a progress report on Kohen. He is almost 14 months old but still not walking. We are going to start seeing a new physical therapist next week. I am not that worried about it because really he is not a year old yet. Not until July 20th. It does get frustrating when that is the first thing everyone asks. When I say "NO! He is not walking yet." They get this look on their face. I don't even try to explain that he is not really a year old. Oh well, when he is ready he will walk. He is really doing great. He is so much fun and happy all the time.

Funny story: Erica and I ran a 5K Saturday. Which by the way Erica got 2nd in the womens division!!! Yea Erica!! Afterwards, she came home with me to play with Kohen. Needless to say, Kohen is a big ol' flirt. He loved Erica. He showed out!!!!! He would just laugh his goofy laugh and make his mean face at her. She could not believe he was doing all that. It was so funny.


amber leann said...

I'm so glad you aren't worrying. I get the same looks as well, and Jace will be 13th months on Friday. They will walk when they are good and ready won't they! :)It was great seeing you at the shower, wish we could have chatted longer!

amber leann said...

By the way, don't feel like you have to explain yourself to anyone. Kohen has made sooo much progress and the people that know you and are important to you, know that and are super proud of him and his accomplishments. He is such a cutie pie!

Beth and Kevin said...

I am so glad to hear the Kohen is doing so well!!! Just look at how far he's come! What a little miracle baby you have! Don't worry another minute about his walking, he'll do it when he's good and ready. It is NOT AT ALL unusual for little ones to not be walking yet. I've learned (from experience) that all babies do things on their own schedule - NOT ours. So Kohen's timing is just right, for him. He'll get there soon, and you'll be chasing him all over the place! And when people ask, take a minute and tell them his story - there's no shame in that and his resilence and strength may serve as a blessing to those with whom you share. I learned that lesson a while back and I can't tell you the numerous lives Sam has touched and all the "angels" we have out there praying for him daily - and that never hurts either! Let's get together again soon! - Beth