Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Kohen!

Shannon made the train cake. It turned out so good. She did a great job. I dont know what I would have done without her.

My good friend Beth, from hygiene school, made this! She did a great job. So talented.

This is a little blurry because he wouldnt be still!!

Today is Kohens birthday but we had his party yesterday. It was a blast! He had soo much fun. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. We rented this train and it was a hit!! I think Kohen would have rode it as long as someone was pulling it. He is our little miracle baby! We are so blessed to have him.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sam's Ducks

Yesterday we went to see the ducks Sam got for Easter. They were so cute. They would almost eat out of our hands. There were 4 baby ducks and 3 big ducks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Egg Hunt #2

Nana brought Kohen this easter basket with a very cool 4 wheeler!

He was so glad to get his "church clothes" off.

We had to have the egg hunt at mom's in the barn/shop! The boys didn't care, they still thought it was sooo fun. Mom hides candy and money in the eggs so Hayden and Will can have another prize! (Like they need one!) This time Kohen found 5 eggs, one with money in it!

Easter Morning

This is what he wore!

This is what he wanted to wear to church this morning!!

Just like a man!

Easter basket #1!

Egg Hunt

Kohen with "E."

Yesterday we went to an egg hunt at Stacy's. It was fun watching all the kids hunt the eggs. Kohen only found one egg but he found the prize carrott!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Cathy, Eli and Ava brought this train to Kohen today for Easter. He loves it!! It was so sweet of them to think of him.

We have been practicing hunting eggs so maybe this year will be more fun! He would rather dump the "balls" out of the basket than put them in it!

Bubble Bath


While I was taking a shower, Kohen kept knocking on the shower door but I thought we were playing the knocking game. Little did I know he was creating artwork with....TOOTHPASTE!