Friday, August 28, 2009

A Little This and A Little That...

Sam showing us how to slide backwards!

It was such a nice day Sunday so Kelly and I took the boys to the Vanndale Fun Park. They had a big time. Look how pretty the clouds are behind Kohen.

We went and rode the tractor with Brandon last weekend. This is one of Kohen's favorite things to do. Not so much mine because I have to deal with a screaming, kicking child ALL the way home!!! He doesn't understand why dad gets to stay but he has to go home.

A playdate with Dane.

Kohen playing in the dirt, Dane in the water!!!!

Wee School

It was raing HARD when we left, that is why he has on a jacket!

Last Thursday was Kohen's first day of Wee School at the Baptist Church in Wynne. He goes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The first day was a bit rough but it seems to be getting better. I knew it was going to be bad at first so I was prepared! He has been happy when I pick him up so I think he likes it. I just know it will be good for him to have some social interaction with other kids. They have some fun things planned for the fall, we cannot wait!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Playing Catch Up...

Our new puppy, Daisy!

Cardinals game!

I know it has been a while since I updated but we have been super busy. This has been the weirdest summer for Brandon. He hasn't been that busy due to all the rain so we have been on the go! Things are about to settle down for us because Kohen will start WEE SCHOOL. His first day is Thursday. He will go on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It seems so strange that he will be going to school!!! I hope he likes it, he needs the social interaction desperately! Here are just a few pictures of what we have been up to. My camera crashed about two weeks ago but my new one should be here tomorrow. I had some really good pictures of Kohen and Sam at the lake but the are history now!!