Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Little Accident

I was trying to get a close up but he wasnt having it!

The balloons and puppy KaKKi got him.

Kohen is starting a trend of doing all the bad things prematurly! The day before Wee School, Kohen had a little accident involving the gator and a hammock, which resulted in RIPPING his front teeth out! It was the most awful thing. I know it hurt so bad but thankfully no broken jaw or scars on his face. We can live with missing his front teeth until his permanent onese grow in. After the pain meds took effect, he was ok. My mom was a different story. She was so upset. It broke my heart to see her that upset but I know she was just worried about Kohen. Anyway, everyone is fine now, thankfully!


amber leann said...

OH NO!!! Bless his heart!!!

Shea said...

I don't know how I missed this post! Myra was telling us about it today. Poor Kohen! He still looks as handsome as always!