Monday, July 21, 2008

More Therapy...

Looks like Kohen will be starting speech therapy soon. I knew it was coming just didn't think it would be this soon. Today I asked Brooke (our pt) how many words he should be saying. She got the speech therapist at Sensational Kids to come and talk to me. She said he should be saying anywhere from 10 to 12 words. He says 2!!! Momma and Dada. She started asking me all these questions for example, "Is he doing this..." Every time the answer was "No." I was upset about it at first but now that it has sunk in, I'm OK. I just hate that he has to go through something else. PT is so hard on him. He cries when I leave him and cries all the way home. Each week after he gets done with PT, I get him a milkshake on the way home as a reward. (Not something a hygienist should do) It keeps him calm for about 5mins. I know he is just so tired. It breaks my heart to think he has something else to overcome. One of these days he will catch up and be just like all the other kids his age!!!


amber leann said...

Girl, if they are suppose to be saying 10-12 words, then Jace needs speech as well. He only says about 4 words, and that is only when HE wants to. I hate to hear how hard pt is going for him. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers during this struggle.

Shea said...

I'm with Amber on this one. I was just with Mali Sunday and I don't think she knows more than a few words either. You know Kohen's a miracle and God's taking care of him every step of the way!

Beth and Kevin said...

Unfortunately, no one knows how you're feeling better than I do...its never easy to see your baby struggle. You've got to just keep reminding yourself that all of this therapy is in his best interests and tough as it is (on you and him, both), you are doing what's neccessary in order for Kohen to reach his fullest potential. I hate to think where Sam would be today, if I had just given up and taken the easier's never easy, but when you begin to see the results from all the hard work, you realize just how very important - albeit trying - it all is. Everyday I have to make a conscious effort to count my blessings and not my burdens - somedays are definitely easier than others!!! Don't worry he's going to do great!!! He'll be out of therapy and running everywhere and talking your ear off before you know it - Hang in there - soon enough you'll be glad you did!